Thursday 23 February 2012

The Education Connection

Now that the intro is out of the way, it's time to delve into the topic at hand: just how does all of this play into education? To start, I'll recall my experience again. Aside from the obvious connection regarding lack of attendance because of the physical reactions to anxiety and depression, when I did attend, I was exhausted, distracted, emotional, distant, and generally uncomfortable. So even when I was there, physically there, I wasn't really there mentally. Meaning not learning. I quickly fell behind, which added to my anxiety and depression, which sped up the spiralling relationship. It is only now, at the age of 25 that I genuinely feel like I have a handle on my own health, regardless of what is thrown at me! This was definitely a process of trial and error though, and it definitely has not always been pretty. But once I learned the tools that allow me to hop back on that metaphorical wagon, and the results become clearer and clearer, my confidence in myself and in my body have increased greatly. These tools, tips, and strategies were sought out by me. No one handed them to me. Because of this, it has been a struggle. And now that I am completing teachers college, I am realizing the importance of everyone having this knowledge, and making these connections. A healthy student is an active, attentive, and achieving student; Someone we all want filling up the seats of our classroom. Again, this is just the tip of the iceberg, but I hope you can all see where my passion is coming from and why this topic is of such great importance and relevance. Kristine

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