Wednesday 22 February 2012

Starting from the beginning...

While following several friends' blogs over the past year, I have come to learn just how powerful this electronic-public-journal can be. As such, as I embark on what could be a great adventure, I thought it best to chronicle the process. But first - a bit of back story...

I am someone who has had a plethora of health issues for as long as I can remember. Never anything too bad (thankfully), but a lot of minor things adds up, and wears on you. For several years now I have been a huge believer in the mind-body connection, meaning that whatever mental state you are in, be it happy, sad, mad, stressed, etc, you have physical reactions. By reactions, I am referring to experiences greater than a smile, a tear, a red face, a headache...Emotions can have lasting effects on our physical selves, and vice versa.

In high school, I began having severe heart palpitations, insomnia, and almost constant nausea. After many tests and much concern, it became evident that I was not suffering from a physical ailment, but rather Clinical Anxiety. My mind-body connection would rear its head once again during my undergraduate career, as I began having mysterious pain all throughout my body. The more doctors I saw, the fewer answers I received, the more depressed I became, the pain would get worse. I felt trapped. Thankfully, I have been able to control these severe aches through a specific diet, regular exercise, rest, and de-stressing (whenever possible!).

I feel very strongly about the cyclical relationship between lifestyle, mental, emotional, and physical well being. Perhaps this interconnected relationship seems obvious to some. If so, great! Spread the word! But as important as acknowledging mental and emotional health is, it is only part of the puzzle. And seeing as how my efforts are directed at the health of the whole student, much more attention needs to be placed on their physical well being than is currently the focus. More on this to come!

Almost a year ago now, I decided to put all  my practical experience to good use with the hopes of helping others like me: I became a Certified Wellness Coach, and a Lifestyle and Weight Management Specialist. This information and knowledge coupled with my personal history is the driving force behind my desire to ensure the best future possible for students.

Currently, I am creating a nutrition and physical activity program for grade 7 and 8 students which I will be using for a final project with Althouse College. As I share this experience via blog and track my (hopeful) success, I will also be working towards creating more opportunities like this one. I will also be posting interesting and useful articles, tips, and websites on the matter for anyone who would like to learn more. 

 But for now, g'night!


1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing more about this!

    Stay Beautiful,
